Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Squirrels and bubbles


It's been WAY too long. I'm sorry. Oh well, we went to take some pictures with my friend Laura again and this time we saw some super cute squirrels and took some bubbles with us. Do I even need to say that we got some pretty awesome pictures? :P


Sunday, December 22, 2013



So Christmas is coming up really soon and my mom put up our tree the other day so I obviously took the change to photograph something super pretty.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013



So today I met up with my friend Laura to play Just Dance 2014 at my place. She then told me that she still hasn't been to the Starbucks that just opened at the city center (we have literally 2 Starbucks in the whole country and the other one is at the airport) so we decided to go there and took few pictures since Laura had her camera with her.

We also did some shopping and I decided to stock up on Lush's Snow Fairy

I had a lot of fun. I was supposed to see another friend today but things happened so I'm just happy I still got to do something and not just lay in my bed all day :D


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving alphabet

Happy Thanksgiving! 

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Finland (obviously) but I got inspired by youtuber Karen Kavett to make a list of things I'm thankful for, in alphabetical order (watch her video here). I wanted to originally do this as a video but I've been working a lot lately so I just didn't simply have time to get it filmed, edited and uploaded. And yes, this is supposed to be a photography blog but oh well :P 

I'm thankful for airplanes for letting me travel to awesome places. I absolutely love going to the USA and I mean I don't want to spend a week on a boat so thanks planes.
I'm thankful for books because I love reading and how I can kind of escape reality for a while.
I'm thankful for cameras for letting me capture amazing moments and to film videos for my youtube channel.
I'm thankful for Disney because childhood. (does this even need anything else?)
I'm thankful for the English language for letting me communicate with people from all over the world.

I'm thankful for my friends, the ones I have in Finland, the ones I made during my exchange year, the ones I met online... Just all of my friends.
I'm thankful for glee. Even though you suck some times (most of the times these days), you're still my favorite tv-show.
I'm thankful for hoodies for keeping me warm during cold weather.
I'm thankful for ice breakers sours just because they taste so good. I need to stock up during my next USA trip in March.

I'm thankful for the Jonas Brothers for giving me the experience of my first real concert. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
I'm thankful for kettles for boiling my tea water easily.
I'm thankful for my little brother for not only being a brother to me but also a friend. We always have so much fun together.
I'm thankful for Moomins for making my childhood and life just absolutely amazing.

I'm thankful for the night time because that's when I get most inspired and I just love staying up late in general.
I'm thankful for online stores for making my tiny shopping addiction a bit cheaper.
I'm thankful for my parents. The real ones and host parents in the USA. Couldn't ask for better ones.
I'm thankful for quiet moments. As an introvert and working as a cashier, I really appreciate getting some alone time after work.
I'm thankful for R5. Even though they're little shits and won't come to Finland, I love them so much.

I'm thankful for Shaytards, my favorite youtubers. I'm so glad I found them when I was going through some hard times because they never fail bringing a smile on my face.
I'm thankful for twitter for letting me make new friends and connect with friends worldwide.
I'm thankful for Urban Decay. Especially their Naked palettes and eyeshadow primer. I'm such a makeup junkie and I don't know how I survived before I got them.
I'm thankful for vacations because I usually travel during them and I absolutely love traveling. Also, it's nice to get some rest sometimes.

I'm thankful for the Warblers. I still can't believe I met 5 of them. They all inspire me in their own ways and I love following all of their own journeys of trying to make it big. They all deserve it so much.
I'm thankful for xylitol gum because it's both good for your teeth and yummy.
I'm thankful for youtube and youtubers. I don't even remember what I did before I got addicted to youtube.
I'm thankful for Zac Efron and the whole High School Musical cast for making my teenager life amazing and making me want to start just randomly singing at random places. Haven't done that yet, don't worry.

So yeah, that's it. And no, I'm not doing the 3 other letters from Finnish alphabet (å, ä, ö) so don't even ask :P I hope you Americans have an amazing Thanksgiving <3 I kinda want some turkey and granberry sauce too...


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sibling photoshoot

Hello :D

So today I went to take pictures with my little brother. We decided to give our mom a framed picture of us for Christmas for reasons so we needed some new ones. My brother said I could show some of the pictures for you guys too so here you go:

My brother always has fun with the fact that he's taller than me so we just had to take these...

So yeah, that's basically it. We ended up using few pictures to make a collage and hopefully mom will like it :D


Sunday, October 6, 2013


Sooooo, I got to spend my weekend with some awesome people. I attended a Finnish con called Fanfest which was held in Helsinki. I had a blast! The program was pretty cool and people were cosplaying and they looked amazing. I'm filming a recap for my youtube channel and I'll link it here when it's up. Here's some pictures I took during the weekend:
Oh, and the convention center had an awful lighting in there so some of these pictures look blurry :/

Favorite cosplay I saw during the whole weekend

Come on, Dan and Phil cosplayers. I HAD to take a picture with them

We went to see a panel called "BBC Sherlock in a nutshell"

Sunday morning's Harry Potter panel was cancelled so they put AVPM on instead

People cosplaying as Putous characters. YES

Favorite cosplay from Sunday.

Closing ceremony :(


Friday, September 20, 2013



Soooooo, I'm like SUPER late with this post :D I went to London over 2 months ago and just remembered that I haven't made a blog post for the pictures I took there. I was also super bored since I'm sick and decided to edit these. So yeah, here's some of my favorites. I MIGHT post more later. We'll see ;)
